child abuse

Welcome to My Chinese Readers

  亲爱的中文读者和家长朋友,欢迎您 阅读我的儿童书籍!希望我的故事书对您和您的孩子都有帮助,并衷心祝愿您和您的家人身体健康,万事如意,阖家幸福! 親愛的中文讀者和家長朋友,歡迎您 閱讀我的兒童書籍!希望我的故事書對您和您的孩子都有幫助,並衷心祝願您和您的家人身體健康,萬事如意,闔家幸福! Hello and welcome to my Chinese readers!  I hope that my books are helpful to you and your children.  I cannot speak or...

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Your Body Belongs To You

Your Body Belongs To You

In simple, reassuring language, the author explains that a child's body is his or her own; that it is all right for kids to decline a friendly hug or kiss, even from someone they love; and that you can still be friends even if you don't want a hug now. "A good, solid...

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