


Excerpt from SOLACE: “My other work, as a therapist, is partly to listen. One of my social-work clients said to me, when I asked her what she had hoped for in her marriage, ‘Somebody to Listen.’ There is a kind of beauty in my work at times that makes me believe it’s worthwhile. It’s as if I’m holding my warmth close to someone else–as I was with the woman who couldn’t speak–and helping them to melt the pain that has caused them to freeze inside.”

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Mama and Daddy Bear’s Divorce

Mama and Daddy Bear’s Divorce

One sad day in the Bear family, Mama and Daddy say they are getting a divorce, and Dinah is scared. But when Daddy moves into his new home, Dinah and her sister Ruth visit him on weekends and Dinah still takes walk with Daddy like she used to. Over time,  Dinah learns...

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